Event News: Excitement builds for donkeys and dancing at Hog Island


Planning for the first fundraiser of Latham Centers’ 50th anniversary year is coming together beautifully, thanks to a committee of staff and volunteers planning our ‘Dance for Donkeys’ event April 19th. Diana Morgan, our Development Associate, Special Events (pictured with Esther and Esau at last year’s Donkey Wedding), shared an update from the committee:

“We are receiving some wonderful donated raffle baskets for the event. Volunteers, sponsors, and donors have been so supportive of Latham’s second event to raise funds for our Asinotherapy (donkey therapy) program. We’re encouraging early purchases of event tickets to help with our planning, and look forward to seeing everyone at Esther & Esau’s 1st Anniversary Celebration, Dance for Donkeys, on Sunday, April 19th at Hog Island in Orleans from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.”  (Note that the online link allows you to purchase Dance for Donkeys tickets, donate goods or services for the event raffle, or sponsor the event.)

Everyone is welcome at this family-friendly fundraiser. We’ll have live music by Straightjacket Slumber Party, photos with Esther and Esau, a donkey training demonstration, face painting, dancing, appetizers, a signature drink, beer, games, and raffles!  Raffle tickets will be sold at the event – winning ticket-holders could receive one of two donated Cape Cod Lobster Clambake-for-four gift baskets, thanks to George’s Fish Market and Ipswich Shellfish Company, or a beauty package including a “Signature Facial” and sample hair products from Beyond Beauty. (More information on raffle baskets will be shared in future blogs).

If you’d like to get involved or ask a question about the event, please email Diana at dmorgan@961381.com.

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